I've fell off again (third time since January) this time while riding my second horse Zanti. She is a gentle mare and was only trying to catch up with the rest of the herd. We had stayed back while the others cantered off in the distance and so I decided lets catch them up and went into a trot which was going well but Zanti had seen the others canter and slipped smoothly into a canter. I was not prepared for this and promptly fell forward still grasping the reins which snapped in two breaking my ring finger and when I hit the ground I found out later that I had broken six ribs. I have been restricted in the painting world but am recovering and will soon stroke the canvas again. I think I will be using more reds and purple colors to point to the pain experienced during this time. Experience is a good provider of inspiration and I look forward to seeing what I will create once I stroke that canvas again.